Vote to Help Make Philly Fin Free

My friend John Kyser posted a link to Facebook's Cyber Whale Warriors asking everyone to vote on making Philly fin free. I'm glad there are people like councilman Bobby Henon in office. Whether you live in Philadelphia or not, please visit his page and vote "thumbs up!"

I am seeking your support in regards to shark conservation. It is my hope that the City of Philadelphia would enact a ban on the possession, sale, offer for sale, trade, or distribution of shark fins.
The purpose of the ban is to combat the practice of shark finning, in which fishermen capture sharks at sea and haul them, still alive, on deck.The shark’s fins are the sliced off and the remainder of the animal is then thrown back into the water. Unable to swim, the shark sinks to the bottom and drowns.
The driving factor behind shark finning, is soup. The fins, after detachment from the live shark, are laid out and dried, bagged, and then shipped to fish markets or restaurants. The fin is then boiled and reduced to a tasteless, gelatinous substance, with no nutritional value, and added to either a fish or chicken broth. This is called shark fin soup. Shark fin soup increased in popularity in the 18th and 19th centuries when standards of living improved in China. It has become traditional to serve it at special occasions such as weddings.
Read More and VOTE "Thumbs Up" via Making Philly Fin Free - Ideas from at JA Voice.
